Every year they have the beloved Wheels & Wings Fest in Mena, that is always around the time of the changing of colors rally with CMA. This weekend just happened to be it. A buddy of mine asked us if we wanted to go ride in a airplane as part of the show. Me, being totally nieve, said, sure, we'd love to!! Imagine my surprise that it cost $25 bucks a head, wow, thats highway robbery for a 20 minute ride from hell!! After the ride, I think they should have paid me the $100 bucks, even though I didn't pay for it. Now I will tell you why.......
I have been sick with the sinus/allergy gunk for over a month and it just will not go away. After numerous drug induced days and nights, I am really in a fog. Today, we were in a hurry and I didn't eat anything, and am on all sorts of medicine. I think not eating in the long run was probably better for everyone, including myself, as I had pictured loosing what I hadn't eaten in my purse!! Yes, indeedy this was my first plane ride, and most likely the last. I have been on numerous choppers which I love and somehow this ride didn't even compare!! The pilot was great, I don't think it was his doing, just merely the combination of not eating, the altitude with all the pressure already going on in my head and whatever else I can think of. I was told by my buddy that my face went through every shade of green. Thank goodness the pics are at the very beginning of the trip. The kids however, loved it, and Tay sat over there like she had done it time and time again. It didn't unnerve her at all, which I thought would surely happen. I have never been so happy to have my two feet back on the ground in all my life.
And last but not least as part of the show was flying objects. They had several, but my favorite was the flying lawnmower!! I wonder exactly how much grass he mows up there??
1 comment:
Who'd you go flying with? Sorry it was such a bad experience for you... rest asured that it's not always that bad... I've flown with LOTS of people at that airport and never had a bad flight!
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