Here are the fall pics that I promised. I love and adore them, however the pic of just me, I'm not sure whether I like it or not. I love the pic and the background but the look on my face is well, almost disturbing to say the least! Oh, and I did this brilliant thing of ordering all my pics online at Kodak Gallery and they are now officially on my sh*t list. They sent me one pic, yes one out of over 75 that I ordered. And in very small print at the bottom of the invoice it reads, (Your order may be shipped in multiple shipments). Oh boy, just what I wanted to hear, I may have to wait til tomorrow, or friggin next week to get the other 74!! Shouldn't there be a law against torment when you are paying good money for something?? To that I say, WTF??

those pictures are fantastic! I lve them all.
Hey girl! I hopped on over from Sissy's and have to say that I love these pictures. That last one is especially stunning. Hope you don't have to wait around on 74 different shipments. :)
Love, love, love the pictures! Who did them for you? We are SOOO in need of some up to date family pictures! Ugg is there ever enough time in the day to get the things done that NEED to be done???
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