that Tay had her check-up with her surgeon today and everything went really well. He was impressed that she was doing so well because the two masses that he took out were entertwined in 2 different nerves and being so, it made surgery alot harder and tedious then he had originally planned.
With that being said, the results of the pathology are this......Chocolate cake, lol, no but might as well be, because it came back as Benign Reactive Lymphoid Hyperplasia, which to all of you means that well, she had two lymph nodes that he took completely out because they were so enlarged and pressing on nerves thus causing pain. The rest means that they don't know why they were enlarged but whatever it is, is nothing to be worried about! So Praise God for that!! Again, thank you for your support and prayers! Love you guys!!
Dad's grave
7 years ago
1 comment:
Praise the Lord! This is great news, Ronda! :) Psalm 103
Your blog is really cute!
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