Start talking to this guy online on Friday. He wants me to come meet him on Friday night, I don't even think so! So I was in Little Rock on Saturday and stayed over at a friend's house and agreed to have breakfast with him on Sunday. Bad, Very Bad Idea!!
Bad first impressions are usually just that, BAD! But I am trying to be nice and give this guy a chance. We go to the mall and he's texting me while I am in the dressing room telling me how beautiful I am, and that he hated shopping with his ex-wife but he's already doing it with me. I looked out the top of the dressing room, and what is he doing, but blowing me kisses!! You've got to be kidding me! Within a few hours, I'm ready to go get Tay and head for the hills!
On my way home from breakfast with the psycho, these are the texts I am getting...
~Are you dead set on living in Mena forever? Cause ya know its really hard to work on a relationship from 3 hours away? (Relationship, please tell me that I missed something somewhere or got hit in the head and this is all a dream)...
~You are everything I am looking for in a woman. You have all the qualities I want and more.
(Thanks, I already know all of this)...
~When do you want to meet my daughter? (Dude, your not ever meeting mine, so good luck with that)...
~When I first saw you, I thought I must be dreamin...(Yes, you were, so let me wake up, please)
~I care about you like any one human man would for a young beautiful woman like you are. Yes, Maybe a little more that I should, but that's just me. (You have known me for a total of 6 hours, how can you possibly CARE for me?)
~Would you like me to come there one weekend? (Not no, but hell no, and I plan on moving before you can ever find me!!)
~Does it bother you that I text and call alot? (Yes, it really does, so would you please just go away already)..
~I really hope things grow with us...(Yeah, you can keep that love fern, I hope it dies)...
~I would be around as long as you would let me...(Hmm, well, that's not very long, now is it?)
~I have been talking about you! (Oh boy, this just thrills my soul)...
~So how do you want to proceed? (With caution, red flags on going off like ticking time bombs around here)...
I kid you not, no goodbye kiss, nothing and these are the texts I received after leaving Little Rock. When I got home, he had emailed me a "love poem" telling us how we were to be together. All I could say, was Holy Shit Batman...your not serious, right?
I wrote him a novel back telling him how I was not needy, clingy or desperate for any man or any relationship. Long story short, after 2 days, he still didn't get the hint. So tonight, he Im's, and I tell him to delete my number and to forget that he ever met me!! Think it will work!! Keep your fingers crossed, cause I am!
Do any of you know where I can get some special cleanser to remove the "idiot/psycho/jerk magnet from my forehead?"