Start talking to this guy online on Friday. He wants me to come meet him on Friday night, I don't even think so! So I was in Little Rock on Saturday and stayed over at a friend's house and agreed to have breakfast with him on Sunday. Bad, Very Bad Idea!!
Bad first impressions are usually just that, BAD! But I am trying to be nice and give this guy a chance. We go to the mall and he's texting me while I am in the dressing room telling me how beautiful I am, and that he hated shopping with his ex-wife but he's already doing it with me. I looked out the top of the dressing room, and what is he doing, but blowing me kisses!! You've got to be kidding me! Within a few hours, I'm ready to go get Tay and head for the hills!
On my way home from breakfast with the psycho, these are the texts I am getting...
~Are you dead set on living in Mena forever? Cause ya know its really hard to work on a relationship from 3 hours away? (Relationship, please tell me that I missed something somewhere or got hit in the head and this is all a dream)...
~You are everything I am looking for in a woman. You have all the qualities I want and more.
(Thanks, I already know all of this)...
~When do you want to meet my daughter? (Dude, your not ever meeting mine, so good luck with that)...
~When I first saw you, I thought I must be dreamin...(Yes, you were, so let me wake up, please)
~I care about you like any one human man would for a young beautiful woman like you are. Yes, Maybe a little more that I should, but that's just me. (You have known me for a total of 6 hours, how can you possibly CARE for me?)
~Would you like me to come there one weekend? (Not no, but hell no, and I plan on moving before you can ever find me!!)
~Does it bother you that I text and call alot? (Yes, it really does, so would you please just go away already)..
~I really hope things grow with us...(Yeah, you can keep that love fern, I hope it dies)...
~I would be around as long as you would let me...(Hmm, well, that's not very long, now is it?)
~I have been talking about you! (Oh boy, this just thrills my soul)...
~So how do you want to proceed? (With caution, red flags on going off like ticking time bombs around here)...
I kid you not, no goodbye kiss, nothing and these are the texts I received after leaving Little Rock. When I got home, he had emailed me a "love poem" telling us how we were to be together. All I could say, was Holy Shit Batman...your not serious, right?
I wrote him a novel back telling him how I was not needy, clingy or desperate for any man or any relationship. Long story short, after 2 days, he still didn't get the hint. So tonight, he Im's, and I tell him to delete my number and to forget that he ever met me!! Think it will work!! Keep your fingers crossed, cause I am!
Do any of you know where I can get some special cleanser to remove the "idiot/psycho/jerk magnet from my forehead?"
Oh Em Gee, girlfriend, you make me SOOOO thankful I am taken.
I used to be just like you in my single days, though. I can really relate. Only, back then there was no texting really. So, they just showed up where I worked, lived, called, called my friends, and even sometimes called my family. How they even got my sister's number, I will never know. LOL.
I hope you meet someone normal one of these days. For now, I am going to give me man extra love tonight for A.) Saving me from nightmares like this and B.) Just being who he is.
Gosh, that dude was SPECIAL!!! Sucks for you, I would be freaked out! Hopefully for your sake he will get the hint and not be a stalker like he sounds like he is!
As those texts kept a comin', I was seriously laughing, Ronda. WHAT was this guy thinking?! If he's not some crazy stalker, then I think he may be one of the saddest/loneliest guys I've ever heard of. Bless his heart. I hope he FINAlLY got the hint!
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