Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Big Bertha Came to Town...

I'm so glad that she didn't stay long, because she left a helluva path of destruction in the mere minutes that she was here!!

Because I have so much time on my hands these days, and it's my 50th Post, I might as well make it count. So here goes nothing.

Back on 4/9/09 @ 8:08 pm, Big Bertha came to town and left it looking like a war zone, so alot of us Mena folks are still trying to put our lives back together, thus the whole lack of time theme. I do have to say that through it all and seeing the outpouring of love, compassion and willingness to help now makes me stand a little taller and smile a little bigger when calling it home. As one house on the next street over said, "Katrina, Mena takes care of it's own!!" And that it did and is still continuing to do. Here's a few pics for you to see. These first few are my house and car, then the others are my first and second neighbors. No matter how many pics I post, It just doesn't quite seem to do it justice...

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