Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Blobs of Chocolate Cake I say...

As you all know, we have been seeing to many dr's to keep count lately. I so wasn't ready for the surgery thing, but they forced me to make a decision and I can't put it off any longer. Taylor is having surgery next Monday, the 26th, on her posterior right knee. They are going to do an ultrasound-guided biopsy/excision of the 2 masses in the back of her knee. So you my homies, I love you all like a fat kid loves cake, but we need some extra prayers right now, to know that everything will go well and most importantly, get good results, that these masses are NOTHING! NOTHING, I say, the biopsy results could come back with blobs of chocolate cake and that would suit me just fine! Really, I have to make light of everything going on in our life, or I will go nutso!


Kori said...

Praying for Taylor's surgery to go and for your sanity.

Krissi said...

Tay is in my prayers for sure. God will watch over her and you will see that everything will turn out peachy keen! On another note, thank you for the comment about our "jail bird", I wanted to let you know that I read it before I deleted it. I tried really hard (dad gum it almost killed me) not to put any names in my post, just cause I have some issues with some nosey family and/or friends and don't want the sh*t to hit the fan :) I hope your not upset that I took your comment down. One of these days we will discuss the "real story" and how it all went down back in '05!!

~aj~ said...

I'm so sorry you guys are going through this. I'm sure Taylor is JUST FINE, but I don't blame you a bit for being really concerned.

I'll definitely say a prayer!